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Emporia, KS Junior High 1926 Basketball Team
Coach Alfred Smith and players Rice Brown Jr and ____ Prickett are in the photograph.
The names of the rest of the players are unknown. Perhaps you'll recognize some of them.
More Kansas Old Photos
Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY 1921 Baseball Team
R. T. Hinton - coach (holding dog), Lewis Martin - manager, Courtland Pollard - captain, Clark Bailey, C. D. "Jeff" Adams, Jack Leo Cloar, Thomas Muir Funk, Thurman M. Perry, Wallace Beckley, Johnson, Delmont Perry, Thomas J. Trunnell, John Marshall Berry
More Kentucky Old Photos
Mansfield, Ohio High School 1930 Football Team
On the team and probably in the photograph: Don Mathews, Ned Brooks, Bob Fichter, Pete Zivkoff, Vern Heiser, Frank Tazio, John Gross, Dwight Hartman, Olin Waltz, Cliff Ohle, Harold Altaffer, J. Richard Myers, George Felten (or Fitten).
The names of the rest of the players are unknown. You may recognize some of them.
Coaches J. Russell Murphy and Harry E. Mehock may also be in the photo.
More Ohio Old Photos
On the team and in the photograph: Gary Weldon Johnnie Morgan, Donald Bitner, Paul Glascock, Merle Johnson, Carl Miller, Jimmie Moats, Coach Charles Johnston, Gabriel Raske, Robert Hughes, Dannie O'Donnell, Elvin Thomasson, Harold Dudley
More Iowa Old Photos
On the team (and probably in the photograph): Albert Hannaford, Ames Fenton, Leo Hall, Donald Bolle, Logan Douglas, Buckley Vaughn, Clement Parberry, Bill Belozer, Merritt McKeel, Earl Hattan, Watslow Mitchell, Clarence Fairbrother, Robert Hartke, Hugh Wilcox, Claud Green, Carl Guenther, Robert Croner
More Oregon Old Photos
On the team (and probably in the photograph): Chimenti, Argauer, Dobblaar, Jenco, Bondinell, Moro, P. De Lorenzo, E. De Lorenzo, E. Bednarcik, Douglas, Cross, MacFerrin, Puzio, Ried, Young
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